Hopefully other movies take a cue from this trailer and see how to make a trailer which doesn't spoil the story yet tells you enough to keep you on the hook. This new trailer for Interstellar looks phenomenal, the setting, the acting, the music, the story all look amazing and that is to be expected from Nolan (trying really hard to hold back my love for Nolan films). The trailer in short tells us that Matthew McConaughey's character is one of the few people that are capable of piloting an ship, but to where? All we know is that man kind is looking for a new place to go and that takes this group of space explorers through a wormhole and towards hopefully mankind's salvation. As I stated at the start this trailer only teases the story to us and keeps us guessing on where this movie will go cause anything can happen and that is what I love about this trailer because lately most trailers just tell you the entire story in three minutes (minus any twists obviously) leaving nothing to the imagination. I for one will have my ass in the cinema to watch this on day one and can only hope that Nolan delivers again, this movie however might not be for everyone since it seems that it is a hardcore science fiction movie which may bore some people.
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